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F   1 Year

With velvety, black fur, Bella is loving exploring life after a rough start and having kittens when too young. She loves a head scratch, pat then showing you her tummy- tickle at your peril!

When she feels comfortable at home, Bella is curious and loves exploring the house.  She's loving playing with a variety of toys; with a feather,  in a tunnel,  with a bead, curling around an object to swipe at a toy and rolling on her back.  Although small, she can be heard thundering around the house when she has the zoomies or after having cat nip!

She's a lovely cat who deserves her own home - she might be shy at first, so needs some patience.  Bella gets on well with the foster carer's older cat, and she is suitable to rehome with other cats.

Watch Bella playing here:

How To Apply

Apply using our online Perfect Match Form
We read every Perfect Match Form that arrives, thoroughly.
Sometimes we can receive around 100 applications for one cat, and because we're very busy volunteers, we can only reply to the person we feel is the best match for that specific cat.
We understand that you're excited to know if that's you, but please respect our procedure and refrain from sending follow up contact.

Thank you.

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